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Academic Integrity (Prepare to Learn Workshop)

This workshop will help you understand the principles of academic integrity and explore the college’s official policy to familiarize yourself with academic offences, penalties, and tips for avoiding plagiarism.

This will be presented virtually via Zoom

*After registering for the workshop, students can follow the steps below to gain access to the workshop material on FOL. 

This workshop is part of the Prepare to Learn workshop series designed to provide incoming students with skills and resources to help them transition to learning at Fanshawe College. Go to this link for more information: https://www.fanshawelibrary.com/ptl/ 

Related LibGuide: Writing: Avoiding Plagiarism by Madeline McInnis

Tuesday, November 28, 2023
10:00AM - 11:00AM
Prepare to Learn
Registration has closed.

After registering for the workshop, go onto FanshaweOnline to access the FanshaweOnline resource course that offers resources and tools to complement these workshops.  Go to the FOL home page, and use the dropdown menu Resources to select Self-Registration and then register in Prepare to Learn (if you run into difficulty during this process, contact s_diamond2@fanshawec.ca).  See the steps below: 


Library Learning Commons Workshops, Hours and Events